
Alien Bitch Burner

Alien Bitch Burner

Alien Bitch Burner is the label which brought Tesis Interactive to live. Created almost 4 years ago, Alien Bitch Burner is the Story of Silph, a Pyrokinetist alien in whom all hopes are put when a fleet of earth bitches arrive his home world, Caryb, to colonize his planet.

There are several projects around this label, but the only one available for download now is the Chess Board Game. For this to run you will need Adobe Integrated Runtime installed.

Maya SBL Motion Planner

Maya SBL

Maya Motion Planner was a Research Project for University. Code isn't finished yet so I can't post it, but you can download some snaps. Mainly we're implementing SBL using python inside Autodesk(c) Maya.

The purpose of this project is to generate a plugin to ease animators work, using motion planning instead of by hand animation. SBL Algorithm implementation in Python is available here.


Unreal Learning

UnreaLE or Unreal Learning Environment was the final project for my Machine Learning Class. The purpose was to add a Neural Network to Unreal Tournament 3 Artificial Intelligence instead of the traditional Finite State Machine. The neural network learned from bot observation and reconfigured the Finite State Machine's transitions to improve performance. Experimentes yielded not-so-good results, but was a great experience to learn UnrealEngine 3 and UnrealScript. Code is available here